ABNEY, Steven Statistical Methods and Linguistics
AKINCI, Zeynep
1. On Strawsonian Contexts (Pragmatics and Cognition, 2005)
2. Representing the Zoo World and the Traffic World in the Language of the Causal Calculator (Artificial Intelligence, 2004)
3. The Complexity of Context: Guest Editors' Introduction (J. of Pragmatics, 2003) [Special Issue: "Context"]
4. Contexts of Social Action: Guest Editors' Introduction (Language & Communication, 2002) [Special Issue: "Contexts of Social Action"]
5. Editorial: Context in Context (Foundations of Science, 2002) [Special Issue: "Context in Context"]
6. Censoring the Internet: The Situation in Turkey (First Monday, 2002)
7. Internet in the Lives of Turkish Women (First Monday, 2002) [also see this commentary (in German)]
8. Guest Editor's Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (Elektrik - Turkish J. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2001) [Special Issue: "Artificial Intelligence"]
9. Turing Test: 50 Years Later (Minds and Machines, 2000)
10. Editorial: Alan Turing and Artificial Intelligence (J. of Logic, Language, and Information, 2000) [Special Issue: "Alan Turing and Artificial Intelligence"]
11. Guest Editor's Introduction (J. of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2000) [Special Issue: "Philosophical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence"]
12. Rethinking Context as a Social Construct (J. of Pragmatics, 2000)
13. Relating to Ken Kesey's Wise Man (J. of Pragmatics, 2000)
14 Guest Editor's Introduction (Minds and Machines, 1998) [Special Issue: "Situations and Artificial Intelligence"]
15. An Analysis of English Punctuation: The Special Case of Comma (Intl. J. of Corpus Linguistics, 1998)
16. The Use of Situation Theory in Context Modeling (Computational Intelligence, 1997)
17. Situated Nonmonotonic Temporal Reasoning with BABY-SIT (AI Communications, 1997)
18. Commonsense Aspects of Buying and Selling (Cybernetics and Systems, 1996)
19. Current Approaches to Punctuation in Computational Linguistics (Computers and the Humanities, 1996)
20. Steps Toward Formalizing Context (AI Magazine, 1996)
21. Nonstandard Set Theories and Information Management (J. of Intelligent Information Systems, 1996)
22. HYPERSOLVER: A Graphical Tool for Commonsense Set Theory (Information Sciences, 1995)
23. Towards Situation-Oriented Programming Languages (SIGPLAN Notices, 1995)
24. Situated Modeling of Epistemic Puzzles (Logic J. of the IGPL, 1995)
25. Issues in Commonsense Set Theory (Artificial Intelligence Review, 1994)
26. Computational Situation Theory (SIGART Bulletin, 1994)
27. Ripping the Text Apart at Different Seams (Stanford Humanities Review, 1994)
28. Computing with Causal Theories (Intl. J. of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 1992)
29. Implementation of Karp-Luby Monte Carlo Method: An Exercise in Approximate Counting (Computer J., 1991)
30. The Power of Physical Representations (AI Magazine, 1989)
31. Adaptive Grid for Polyhedral Visibility in Object Space: An Implementation (Computer J., 1988)
32. A Simple and Efficient Haloed Line Algorithm for Hidden Line Elimination (Computer Graphics Forum, 1987)
33. Writing Self-Replicating Code (Computer J., 1986)
1. Kavram Alanı-Kelime Ailesi İlişkileri ve Türk Yazı Dilinin Eskiliği Üzerine
2. Dilbilim Tarihine Bir Bakış
3. Türkçe Araştırmalarında Yeni Yollar
4. Dille Gerçek ya da Anlatım Yolu Sorunu
5. Dilin Türleri
6. Anlambilim, İlgili Alanlar ve Türkçe
AKTAŞ, Özlem
ALBRIGHT, Adam How Many Grammars Am I Holding Up? Discovering Phonological Differences between Word Classes
ALTAN, Zeynep-ORHAN, Zeynep
ARISOY, Ebru-ARSLAN, M. Levent
AYIK, Hasan
BALCI, Tahir

1. Abriss Der Türkisch-Deutschen Kontrastiven Grammatik (doc)

2. Dil Oyunları ya da Dil Mühendisliği (ppt)

3. İşletme Dilbilimi: Antipazarlama Dilbilimi (Nihat Yavuz'la birlikte) (doc)

BENKE, Gertraud Applied Linguistics-A Science of Culture?
BLACKBURN, Patrick-Johan BOS Computational Semantics
1. Cats, Dogs, and So On (doc)

2. Can Truth Out? (doc)

3. Kripke Models (doc)

4. Kripke on Truth (doc)

5. Philosophical Logic (doc)

6. Tarski's Tort (doc)

1. Türk Dil Devrimine ve Türkçe Sözcük Üretimine Katkıları ile Özcan Başkan

2. Social and Critical Construction of Reality in Educationally Different Individuals: A Discourse-Based Analysis

1. Symposium on Margaret Boden, Mind as Machine: A History of Cognitive Science. Artificial Intelligence. October 11, 2007.

2. The Evolution of the Language Faculty. (with W. Tecumseh Fitch & Marc D. Hauser) Cognition. September, 2005.

3. Chomsky on the Philosophy of Mind, March 2003 (Interviewed by Peter Ludlow)

4. The Faculty of Language. (with M. D. Hauser & W. T. Fitch) Science. November 22, 2002.

5. Review of Skinner's Verbal Behavior. In Jakobovits & Miron (eds.), Readings in the Psychology of Language. 1967.
6. Three Models for the Description of Language. IRE Transactions on Information Theory. September, 1956.
7. Logical Syntax and Semantics. Language. January-March, 1955.
8. Systems of Syntactic Analysis. The Journal of Symbolic Logic. September, 1953.

ÇAKIR, Cemal
ÇEVİKBAŞ, Sebahattin
DEMİR, Nurettin
DOĞAN, Gürkan
1. "Word order in Tibeto-Burman languages". To appear in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area.D

2. "Passive in the World's Languages". In Clause Structure, Language Typology and Syntactic Description, Vol. 1, edited by Timothy Shopen. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. with Edward L. Keenan, 2007

3. Descriptive theories, explanatory theories, and basic linguistic theory. In Catching Language: Issues in Grammar Writing, edited by Felix Ameka, Alan Dench, and Nicholas Evans, pp. 207-234. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006

DURAK, Mustafa
ERYİĞİT, Gülşen-ADALI, Eşref-OFLAZER, Kemal Türkçe Cümlelerin Kural Tabanlı Bağlılık Analizi (yeni)
GADELII, Karl Erland Language Planning: Theory and Practice: Evaluatin of Language Planning Cases Worldwide (Unesco)
GEMALMAZ, Efrasiyap

1. Alfabetik Sonekler Dizininde Türkçe Soneklerin Sıralanmasında Göz Önündü Bulundurulması Gereken Esaslar Üzerine

2. Dil Bilimi ve Dil Bilgisi

3. Öğrenme ve Uygulama Dilleri

4. Standart Türkiye Türkçesi İçin Dil Bilgisi Uygulamalaırnda Kullanılacak İşaret ve Kısaltmalar

5. Standart Türkiye Türkçesinde Fiillerden Geçici İsim Yapımı

6. Türk Dilindeki Ses Hadiselerinin Bu Dilin Sentaksiyle İlgisi

7. Türkçede Bağlayıcı (Yardımcı) Ses Konusu Üzerine

8. Türkçede İsim Tamlamalarının Derin Yapısı

9. Türkçe'nin Fonem Düzeni ve Bu Fonemler Düzeninin İşleyişi

10. Türkçe'nin Morfo-Sentaktik Yapısının Fonolojisine Etkileri

11. Türkiye Türkçesinde Ses Olayları

12. Uyum ve Standart Türkiye Türkçesi'nde Uyumlar

GÖĞÜŞ, Beşir
İMER, Kamile

1. Türk Yasa Dili

2. Türk Ceza Kanunu: Yasal Sözeylemlerin Çözümlemesi

1. İnsanın Evriminde Avcı-Toplayıcı Yaşam Tarzı, Alet Teknolojisi ve Konuşma Dili

2. Konuşmanın Anatomik Evrimi

3. Dilin Evrimi: İnsanın İlk Dili Bir İşaret veya Müzik Dili Olabilir miydi?

4. Dil/Kültür Dizgesi ve Dünya Görüşü

5. Beyin Evrimi ve Dil

6. Dilin Evrenceleri ve Konuşmaya Dayalı İletişim Evrimi

7. Konuşma Dilinin Evrenceleri ile İlgili Üç Ek Öneri

8. Şempanzelerde Gözlemlenen Dil Davranışları Üstüne Kimi Düşünceler

9. Dilbilim ve İlgili Bilimler için Kaynakça

2. The Nature of the Language Faculty and its Implications for Evolution of Language (Reply to Fitch, Hauser, & Chomsky) With Steven Pinker, Cognition 97, 211-25 (2005).

3. The capacity for music: What is it, and what’s special about it? With Fred Lerdahl. Cognition 100, 33-72 (2006).

4. How did language begin? Pamphlet in Linguistic Society of America FAQ series

5. The Simpler Syntax Hypothesis With Peter Culicover. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10, 413-18.

6. Alternative minimalist visions of language To appear in Proceedings of Chicago Linguistics Society 41.

7. A Parallel Architecture perspective on language processing , in Brain Research, 1146 (2007), pp. 2-22.

8. Linguistics in cognitive science: The state of the art To appear in The Linguistic Review.

9. A whole lot of challenges for linguistics Talk given at University of Georgia Conference on the Future of Linguistics.

10. Construction after construction, in progress, submitted to Language Theory


1. Which words are hard to recognize? Prosodic, lexical, and disfluency factors that increase ASR error rates (with S.Goldwater and C.D.Manning)

2. Pragmatics andComputational Linguistics

3. Detecting prominence in conversational speech: pitch accent, giveness and focus (with V.K.R.Sridhar-A.Nenkova-S.Narayanan)

4. Semantic Taxonomy Induction from Heterogenous Evidence (with R.Snow and A.Y.Ng

KRISTIANSEN, Gitte- ACHARD, Michel- DIRVEN, René,-IBANEZ, Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza
LAKOFF, George

1. The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor

2. Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals in the Dust

LENCI, Alessandro-SANDU, Gabriel
MADEN, İbrahim
MARSH, David
NELSON, Graham Natural Language, Semantic Analysis, and Interactive Fiction
OFLAZER, Kemal, Özlem ÇETİNOĞLU ve Bilge SAY
Integrating Morphology with Multi-word Expression Processing in Turkish, Proceedings of the 2nd ACL Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Integrating Processing (MWE-2004), July 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
OFLAZER, Kemal ve Yasin YILMAZ
Vi-xfst: A Visual Regular Expression Development Environment for Xerox Finite State Tool, in Proceedings of the ACL 2004 Sigphon Workshop, July 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
OKTAR, Lütfiye - Semiramis YAĞCIOĞLU
OSAM, Necdet
1. Türkçenin Diğer Türk Dil ve Lehçeleriyle Olan İlişkilerine Kısa Bir Göz Atış

2. Türk Dillerinin Sözlükleri ve Türk Sözlükçülüğü

3. Etimoloji Sözlükleri

1. Özçalıskan, S. (2007). Metaphors we move by: Children’s developing understanding of metaphorical motion in typologically distinct languages. Metaphor and Symbol. 22(2), 147-168. PDF

2. Özçalıskan, S. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2006). X IS LIKE Y: The emergence of similarity mappings in gesture and speech. In G. Kristianssen, M. Achard, R. Dirven & F. Ruiz de Mendoza (Eds.), Cognitive Linguistics: Foundations and fields of application (pp. 229-262). Mouton de Gruyter. PDF

3. Özçalıskan, S. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2006). Role of gesture in children’s early constructions. In Eve Clark & Barbara Kelly (Eds.), Constructions in acquisition (pp. 31-58). Palo Alto, CA: CSLI Publications. PDF

4. Rowe, M., Özçalıskan, S. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2006). The added value of gesture in predicting vocabulary growth. In D. Bamman, T. Magnitskaia & C. Zaller (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 501-512). PDF

5. Özçalıskan, S. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2005). Gesture is at the cutting edge of early language development. Cognition, 96(3), B101-B113. PDF

6. Özçalıskan, S. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2005). Do parents lead their children by the hand? Journal of Child Language, 32(3), 481-505. PDF

7. Özçalıskan, S. (2005). On learning to draw the distinction between physical and metaphorical motion: Is metaphor an early emerging cognitive and linguistic capacity? Journal of Child Language, 32, 1-28. PDF

8. Özçalıskan, S. (2005). Metaphor meets typology: Ways of moving metaphorically in English and Turkish. Cognitive Linguistics, 16 (1), 207-246. PDF

9. Özçalıskan, S. (2004). Encoding the manner, path and ground components of a metaphorical motion event. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 2, 73-102. PDF

10. Özçalıskan, S. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2004). When mothers do not lead their children by the hand. In A. Brugos, L. Micciulla & C. E. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. (pp. 424-435). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. PDF

11. Özçalıskan, S. (2004). ‘Time can’t fly, but a bird can’: Learning how to think and talk about time as spatial motion in English and Turkish. European Journal of the English Language, 8(3), 309-336. PDF

12. Özçalıskan, S. (2003). Metaphorical motion in crosslinguistic perspective: A comparison of English and Turkish. Metaphor and Symbol, 18 (3), 189-228. PDF

13. Özçalıskan, S. (2003). ‘In a caravanserai with two doors, I am walking day and night’: Metaphors of death and life in Turkish. Cognitive Linguistics, 14 (4), 281-320. PDF

14. Özçalıskan, S. (2003). Children’s developing understanding of metaphors about the mind. In B. Beachley, A. Brown & F. Conlin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 603-614). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. PDF

15. Özçalıskan, S. & Slobin, D.I. (2003). Codability effects on the expression of manner of motion in English and Turkish. In A. S. Özsoy, D. Akar, M. Nakipoglu-Demiralp, E. E. Taylan & A. Aksu-Koç (Eds.), Studies in Turkish Linguistics (pp. 259-270). Istanbul: Bogaziçi University Press. PDF

16. Özçalıskan, S. & Slobin, D.I. (2000). Climb up vs. ascend climbing: Lexicalization choices in expressing motion events with manner and path components. In S. Catherine-Howell, S.A. Fish & K. Lucas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 558-570). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. PDF

17. Özyürek, A. & Özçalıskan, S. (2000). How do children learn to conflate manner and path in their speech and gestures. In E. Clark (Ed.), Proceedings of the 30th Stanford Child Language Research Forum, CSLI Publications (pp. 77-85). Palo Alto, California. PDF

18. Özçalıskan, S. & Slobin, D.I. (1999). Learning ‘how to search for the frog’: Expression of manner of motion in English, Spanish, and Turkish. In A. Greenhill, H. Littlefield & C. Tano (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 541-552). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. PDF

PEREIRA, Fernando C.N.-SHIEBER, Stuart M. Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis
PINKER, Steven yeni

Language Acquisition

Abstract Grammatical Processing of Nouns and Verbs in Broca's Area: Evidence from fMRI (Ned T. Sahin ve Eric Halgren'le birlikte)

Words and Rules

PULLUM, Geoffrey K. Ideology, Power, and Linguistic Theory
SAĞIR, Mukim
SAMPSON, Geoffrey yeni A Linguistics Axiom Challenged
SAV, Bahattin
1. Anlam Değişmeleri Üzerine Artzamanlı Bir İnceleme

2. La Synonymie Existe-t-Elle Dans La Langue?

SHAN, Chung-Chieh Linguistic Side Effect
TANTUĞ, Cüneyd-ADALI, Eşref-OFLAZER, Kemal

A MT System from Turkmen to Turkish Employing Finite State and Statistical Methods (yeni)

Machine Translation between Turkic Languages (yeni)

TURA, Sabahat Sansa
TÜRK, Oytun-ARSLAN, Levent M.

2. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2005, "Donor Selection for Voice Conversion", 13th European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Türkiye.

3. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2004, “Pronunciation Scoring for the Hearing-Impaired”, 9th International Conference Speech and Computer - SPECOM 2004, St. Petersburg, Rusya.

4. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2004, “Konuşma Terapisine Yönelik Otomatik Konuşma Tanıma Yöntemleri”, II. Ulusal Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Kongresi 2004, Eskişehir, Türkiye.

5. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2004, “Dayanıklı Konuşmacı Dönüştürme Yöntemleri”, SIU 2004, Kuşadası, Türkiye.

6. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2004, “Konuşma Terapisine Yönelik Konuşma Tanıma Yöntemleri”, SIU 2004, Kuşadası, Türkiye.

7. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2003, “New Methods for Vocal Tract and Pitch Contour Transformation”, EUROSPEECH 2003, Cenevre, İsviçre.

8. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2003, “Subjective Evaluations for Perception of Speaker Identity Through Acoustic Feature Transplantations”, EUROSPEECH 2003, Cenevre, İsviçre.

9. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2003, “Konuşmacı Dönüştürme İçin Üç Yeni Yöntem”, SIU 2003 Bildirileri Kitapçığı, sf. 398-401, İstanbul, Türkiye.

10. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2003, “Konuşmacı Kimliği Algılanmasında Akustik Özniteliklerin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi”, SIU 2003 Bildirileri Kitapçığı, sf. 394-397, İstanbul, Türkiye.

11. Türk, O. ve Arslan, L. M., 2002, “Subband Based Voice Conversion”, Proceedings of the ICSLP 2002, c. 1, sf. 289-292, Eylül 2002, Denver, Colorado, ABD.

12. Türk, O., Şayli, Ö., Dutağacı, H. ve Arslan, L. M., 2002, “A Sound Source Classification System Based On Subband Processing”, Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium (SPS-2002), Leuven, Belçika.

13. Türk, O., Şayli, Ö., Dutağacı, H. ve Arslan, L. M., 2002, “Alt-bant İşlemeye Dayalı Bir Ses Sınıflandırma Sistemi”, SIU 2002, Denizli, Türkiye.

TÜRK, Oytun-ŞAYLİ, Ömer-ÖZSOY, A. Sumru-ARSLAN, Levent M.
Farabî'de Dil ve Mantık İlişkisi, Kutadgu Bilig Dergisi, sayı 1
UZUN, Nadir Engin
WYNNE, Martin (Editör) Developing Linguistic Corpora: A Guide to Good Practice
YALÇIN, Nursel Konuşma Tanıma Teorisi ve Teknikleri
YETKİNER, Neslihan Kansu
1. "Vire" Hikâyesi Üzerine Metin Dilbilimsel Bir İnceleme (Nadira Jahiç'le birlikte)

2. Türkiye Türkçesinde Niteleme Sıfatları (aynı adlı 2004'te Değişim Yayınları'nca yayınlanan kitabın Giriş bölümü)


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